Meet the top 3 video game moms who’ve made their mark in gaming history.

Meet the top 3 video game moms who’ve made their mark in gaming history.

They may be a bunch of polygons held together by some programming witchcraft, but that doesn't mean they can't rock the mom game (and save the universe or kill a walker or two). Introducing our top 3 video game moms who’ve made their mark in gaming history. 

Clem From Walking Dead

Hey, it ain’t easy being a mother today. Juggling a million tasks while being a superhero and a psychic, all rolled into one. It's no walk in the park, my friend. But at least (as far as we know), that walk doesn’t include walkers. Enter Clem from The Walking Dead. She may not be a biological mother, but hey, look at your calendar, it’s 2023, and there are a bunch of ways to be a mother. 

Now Clem rescued AJ when he was six, and did all the important motherly stuff that’s important, like how to keep the walkers away. As a teen herself, Clem raises AJ to be mentally and physically strong, while trying to give him at least a bit of a childhood.  And being able to take out a walker in her sleep, immediately earns her cool mom status. 

Poke Mom

Listen young man, don't you dare embark on that wild "gotta catch 'em all" adventure without a solid pep talk from your mom (btw, you ate your breakfast right?).  She's the queen of makeovers, sporting a fresh look with each game, but one thing stays the same– her mission to boot you out the door, into the fray of Poke-battles, and on your way to becoming a Pokemon Master.

And as you wave goodbye, armed with your trusty Starter Pokemon, don't forget that good ol' Pokemon Mom has a few more tricks up her sleeve. Just give her a holler, and she'll whip up a batch of her signature Pokemon Healing Magic. Voilà! Your battered and bruised Pokemon party is as good as new.

So, as you make your way around the Pokemon world, be it cruising the skies on a Charizard or splashing through seas with a Lapras, always remember that your pixelated mom is your ultimate safe haven. When your Poke-dreams seem to be crashing down, you can always count on Mama's love (and healing abilities) to set you right back on track! 

Matriarch Benezia From Mass Effect Series

Part villain, part mom-extraordinaire (I guess?), and full-time multitasker. While she's busy giving Commander Shepard a run for his money, she's also got her mom hat on, raising her very own party member, Liara T'Soni, in what may be described as a complicated relationship. In Asari culture, some ladies get a sweet promotion when they hit those golden years, becoming Matriarchs. They're the wise gurus, mentoring their younger Asari pals. And with Asari living up to a whopping one thousand years, these Matriarchs sure know a thing or two. Her master plan? Work her mom magic on the not-so-human-friendly council member Saren, guiding his beliefs and using his power to help welcome humanity into the Citadel worlds. We all know how that plan worked out, but hey, no mom is perfect, right? 

Now, I didn’t say these were all good moms, more like memorable. And when you plot against your own daughter, while happily arranging torture and murder for anyone in the Reaper's way, you carve your mark in mom-gaming history. But don't be too harsh on her – it was all just a colossal misunderstanding! She managed to shake off that pesky mind control, but not before her daughter and friends had to take her down in self-defense. Cue the sitcom laughter, because that's one hilariously uncomfortable family moment.

We’ve just touched the iceberg (Did we use that right?), anyway, there are many more moms out there, and everyone has a favorite. Share yours in the comments below, and don't forget to celebrate the real-life moms who are there for us IRL. Because without them, you wouldn't be reading this article. Hopefully, that’s a good thing. 

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